• Bringing control back, one hand at a time

  • Introduction

    Worldwide, the lives of many are inconvenienced, or even limited, by a significant form of disability: Hand Tremors. The prevalence of essential tremor, the most common cause of hand tremor, is estimated to be around 4.1-39.2 individuals per 1000.

    Furthermore, a cure for hand tremors does not currently exist. Most treatment procedures now involve lifelong admission of medication with tiredness as a side effect.

  • Our Mission

    To Help People with Hand Tremors Through Mechanical and Social Means

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    Why this project?

    The project is originally conceived as a personal project by one of the members - Kai Xiang. As someone who suffers from essential tremor, Kai Xiang understands firsthand how his life is limited, or even shaped, by the disease. To Kai Xiang, the implications of essential tremor stretch far beyond that of his daily life - being unable to execute fine motor skills has limited his career options in life and darkened his outlook. Despite so, Kai Xiang remains positively optimistic in finding a mechanical solution to this syndrome - an optimism that has inspired his friends Grace and Zheng Yi to help him through this project.

    The team hopes that through this project, a difference can be made, however small, in not only the lives of patients with hand tremors but also in the way society perceives them.

  • FAQ

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    How bad is the problem?

    In the United States alone, 2.2% of the population are estimated to suffer from essential tremor

    The prevalence of essential tremor, the most common cause of hand tremor, is estimated to be around 4.1-39.2 individuals per 1000

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    What are the current 'cures'?

    It doesn't exist!

    There are 3 common treatments available:

    1. Lifelong medication
    2. Invasive surgery
    3. Occupational therapy
  • Case Studies

    A detailed look at the life of some patients

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    Kai Xiang

    21 years old, a competitive Rubik's Cube solver

    Kai Xiang started having tremors over 3 years ago, but the tremors were mild and often dismissed by him and subsequently by the doctors he visited. Only when his tremors worsen to the point where he could no longer hold a book on his left hand, he visited the doctor again and was referred to a specialist. By then, the only means of controlling the tremor is with a high dosage of propranolol, which resulted in him being very restless and irritable. He subsequently changed to pregabalin, which is a mild sedative. Even with subsidies, the medication costs him $18 a week.

    As he solves the Rubik's Cube competitively and holds the current Guinness World Record for 'Fastest time to solve a Rubik's Cube whilst juggling', his hand are of the utmost importance to him. Developing hand tremor has dealt a tremendous blow to his career and his confidence. Due to his hand tremor, his left hand is no longer as agile as before and his speed has been affected. There is also a tendency for him to drop the Rubik's Cube due to his tremor, putting him at a disadvantage in competitions. He briefly considered retiring from the competitive scene after the development of hand tremor, but luckily, the encouragement from his friends kept him from giving up on his passion.

    Additionally, being in SUTD means that there will be many hands-on projects which require fine motor work that he is unable to accomplish by himself. He often requires assistance from his friends to get such work done.

    Coming soon

  • Who are we?

    Here's the team behind the project

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    Kai Xiang

    The inspiration

    Kai Xiang is the inspiration for this project. He suffers from hand tremor that affected his ability to do fine motor work.


    Kai Xiang is currently pursuing a dual degree in Engineering and Business Management at Singapore University of Technology and Design and Singapore Management University. His interest lies in using technology to solve everyday problem. He has a background in software and hardware programming as well as machine learning.


    Besides his academic pursuit, he is a Guinness World Record holder for the fastest time to solve a Rubik's Cube whilst juggling. He is also a 4 time Singapore Rubik's Cube champion.

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    Zheng yi

    Project coordinator

    As someone who has had experience with biomedical research, Zheng Yi believes that technology can and should be used to make a difference in people's lives, especially for those that currently suffer from disabilities that limit the potential of their lives. In addition, his extensive travels around East Asia have also taught him that technology, while useful, cannot be wholly used as a solution to society's problems, which have to be addressed through social means and awareness raising.


    Zheng Yi is currently pursuing a dual degree in Engineering and Management from the Singapore University of Technology and Design and from the Singapore Management University.

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    Project member

    Grace has a heart for helping others to improve the quality of life. She aspires to contribute to bio-medical industry in terms of R&D to significantly improve public health.


    Grace is currently pursuing a degree at Singapore University of Technology and Design. Her goal is to identify societal needs, explore and develop better ways to address the real-world issues

  • Contact us

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